Local is lekker: featured artist Nicky Marais

Nicky is the queen of abstract art in Nam. Her paintings vibrate, shimmer, puzzle and evolve. I  haven’t always found them easy to talk to, as they are very different to what usually rings my bell, yet when I take the time to look, breathe, receive; they tend to open up and flower most engagingly.

Nicky gives me hope when I despair at my anorexic creative life.  ” When the kids left the house I took up where I left off and I’m having a blast!!” I sigh and she gives me a huge, cheering wink…

She’s a whirlwind of busyness, actively managing the local art college as HOD, supporting art associations, promoting young artists, opening exhibitions, as well as fiddling- in her words- with her masters degree. Where most people complain or resign themselves to insufferable circumstances, -and believe me Namibian circumstances could erode the most positive attitude-Nicky finds a way to make things happen. Her witty and wise humour never fails to uplift and inspire. In short, she’s everything an artist could possibly be!

“Local is lekker” is Namibian and South African slang for local is great, nice, tasty !:)

All artworks copyright Nicky Marais

Featured artist- Johann Louw

My development as an artist features several influential artists, the most instrumental among them my painting lecturer Johann Louw. During the two years that he guided my student efforts, I learnt how to handle criticism, believe in my style, and to know what great painting looks like by his example. Plus he was funny, in a dada kind of way as we often didn’t get his humour…only now do I fully appreciate his quirky and irreverent character!

He has since achieved international success, with a string of solo shows at leading South African Galleries, as well as shows in New York, Germany, and Australia. His paintings are powerful and layered statements , impacting on many psychological and emotional levels. I find them hypnotic, disturbing, mind-altering- a great muse!!


All images copyright Johann Louw


Art Month International. Yeah how grand does that sound!? Two participants so far, let’s see if we can start a trend here!

Day one getting off to a good start, terribly precious and uptight though, wanting it all to turn out good and useable and showable. Meh. Have to work hard at keeping the quality demon muffled. The goal is just to release, to engage fully with The Flow by not getting overly in the way…

Sending sunny spirit to all NaNoWriMo participants 🙂

Will post pics every three days. Demon or not.

‘Being’ Oil on Canvas 2010 Silke Berens

NaNoWriMo is infectious

Now why doesn’t the art community have a cool challenge like NaNoWriMo? The BBF (best boyfriend forever), alternating between elation and anxiety about his first ever NaNo, starting Tuesday, got me evaluating my work modus operandi: Time in The studio somehow always lands up last on the list, and I have plenty of very good justifications for this! Oh yessir, no-one could fault me for being handicapped by the Great Three- lack of time, energy, and finances. Watertight alibi. Yet something about the excited collective spirit and the supportive vibe among the writing community I’m witnessing second-hand has infected my busy, mostly art-free little world. What the heck, if you guys can, so can I! And yes, I know that writing about 1700 words on a daily basis is probably much more challenging than getting down some drawing or painting , but relativity is a wonderful thing. If I manage to match this schedule I will be achieving the impossible…so here’s the deal: For every daily quota of words I’ll equal at least one drawing or painting, editing optional 😉 .From the first of November to the thirtieth of November. Any artists out there care to join, bring it on! Any writers need visual inspiration, feel free to browse my hopefully prolific output!

“Lüderitz Jetty”  Oil on board       copyright Silke Berens

Featured artist- Imke Rust

Imke and I theoretically live in the same city, although she’s recently forsaken sunshine and wide open spaces to spend time in Berlin, following her heart and her art 😉

I miss having her around to talk shop and bemoan the struggles encountered in our local art scene. Imke makes a mean vegetarian chilli, and is the most even-tempered artist I know. I suspect this trait has got her further in her career than a lot of the more moody and outrageous artists out there, and boy those still waters do paint some dark depths!

She’s a very talented artist who’s had a lot of success already, and she’s only getting better and going bigger. A gallery in Berlin will be hosting her next exhibition in 2012. Yay!

Check out her site:  imkerust.com

For WillieWhite Despair (The Funeral)m_Dying OwlBaobab Tree

All artwork by Imke Rust